Friday, April 2, 2010

PDA: Pretty Damn Angry

I swear that my mood has been directly affected by the weather today. It's cold, rainy, cloudy, and windy. I've been cranky, easily irritated, and (for lack of a better word) bitchy! First, Facebook wasn't working right this morning. Then, I found out the I wasn't going to the Wild game with Dolle. Her and her co-worker won tickets to tonights game, and Dolle couldn't get anyone to work for her tonight, while her co-worker called in "sick" so she got the tickets. Second, my friend Kristine called me and cancelled our plans because her ex-boyfriend wanted to see her. When Ryan broke up with Krissy, she called me every half hour crying, swearing that she would never forgive Ryan. I feel like the only time she really ever calls me, is when she has problems with Ryan, yet when I'm having problems with my life, she can't tell Ryan to wait.

And now Andy apparently isn't coming to my family's Easter dinner. I'm making cheesecake especially for him, and now he's not coming. I'll admit I was hurt. It really bothers me when people say that they're going to do something, but don't follow through. When Andy text me and told me that he wasn't going to come, I got angry but didn't tell him. He called me a little while after, and I ignored his phone call. He's also text me twice and I haven't responded. I know it's childish to ignore him for this reason, but I honestly don't think I could talk to him now without crying. I love him very much, but I just don't want to talk to him right now. I'll talk to him tomorrow after he comes over!

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I'm having Andy, Helen, and Dolle over. We're gonna redbox a movie, and maybe have a bonfire.

Well, I'm going to bed now. Night kiddies!