Saturday, April 3, 2010

A New Day Is Here

This morning I woke up to beautiful rays of sunshine filling up my eyes! :) So I checked the weather and the weatherman said sun in the morning, till early afternoon, then comes the rain and showers. All the negative feelings I was harboring yesterday are gone now. It's still a bit chilly out this morning, and windy, but at least there is sun. Beautiful, wonderful, glorious sun!

I called my boyfriend when I woke up this morning, and asked him if he would come over. So Andy's on his way, and then him, my mom, and myself are going to go out and do a little shopping, just getting the last few things we need for Easter dinner. Then we're going to have a relaxing day, and later tonight Helen and Dolle are coming over, and we're going to hang out, maybe redbox a movie, play some drakon or maybe apples to apples.

Hopefully I'll be in a happier mood through out the day, cause yesterday was miserable, and I don't like being a cranky bitch, but sometimes it just happens. So with finger crossed I push through today, hopefully staying happy and ccontent.

Have a great day kiddies!