Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hello Kitty Lunch Box!!!

I start Regency in the morning!!! For those of you who don't know, Regency is a beauty school! I'll be learning about cutting and dying hair, I'll be learning about nail artistry, make-up, and spa/facial treatments! I've got a brand new Hello Kitty Lunch Box, and a fresh notebook!!! I'm going back to school, and I'm actually excited about it! I'm nervous about a few things, mostly making friends and keeping up with all the school work. (Wow, don't I sound like a total middle school nerd)

Well, I'm off to bed. Orientation is at 9 am, but I want to get there about 8:45. I gotta wake up about 7ish. So I'm going to sleep. Night Kiddies!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

sweeping saddness

I'm selfish. I really am. I'm a very selfish girl, who has been spoiled most her life. When I think of the families that are staying in the hospital because their child is sick, I just wanna cry and hug them. When I was in the hospital, I'd watched my dad cry one night while at my bedside. He thought I was sleeping, but I woke up to him weeping. I remember how my whole family came to visit me after the doctor gave me 3 months. I remember watching my mom crumble into my dads arms when I was throwing up everything I ate. If the surgeon from the west coast hadn't flown to Minnesota, I probably wouldn't be here. Doctors here had no experience with what I had, they didn't know. But the west coast doctor had an idea. So with his idea, they perform experimental surgery on me. I'm alive and well thanks to them. Since I left the hospital, I haven't thought much about the families still there. So right now, I'm gonna pray to God, and beg him to help heal the innocent beautiful children in this world that are sick and dying.

I just ask that everyone who reads this, prays to God too.

Night Kiddies

Friday, April 9, 2010

I Seriously Just Broke My Toe!!!!!

We're fixing the family deck today, and we added side steps to the bottom platform. So, we were moving it back into place and my dad dropped the 100 lbs. platform onto my toe. I felt the bone of my toe just give out. I could barely take my shoe off, because my toe had swelled up so much. I finally got it off, and now have ice on my foot. I'm covered in dirt, dog slobber, and sawdust. We just ordered pizza and I'm looking forward to having hot cheesey-chickeney-red pepperie-pizza, and an ice cold Miller Lite!!

I'm kinda sad also because I've just spent the last 3 days and nights with my amazing boyfriend Andy, and soon he has to leave and go to work. I really don't want him to leave, because I know that I'm really gonna miss him once he has left!!!!

Got so much to do tomorrow, that I'm not sure what I'm gonna do lol. I'm supposed to go to Wisconsin to see my late Aunt Rose's storage locker. I want to see Andy tomorrow at some point, and Dolle wants to go out with me and Renee. I don't know what i'm gonna do. I'll figure it out.

Later kiddies!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

He Is Risen . . .

A lot of people forget the real reason behind Easter. People think Easter is an excuse to eat ham and bite the heads off of chocolate bunnies. But the reason we celebrate Easter is to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

So today, please try to remember that through Jesus Christ's death, we were forgiven for all our sins and promised eternal life!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A New Day Is Here

This morning I woke up to beautiful rays of sunshine filling up my eyes! :) So I checked the weather and the weatherman said sun in the morning, till early afternoon, then comes the rain and showers. All the negative feelings I was harboring yesterday are gone now. It's still a bit chilly out this morning, and windy, but at least there is sun. Beautiful, wonderful, glorious sun!

I called my boyfriend when I woke up this morning, and asked him if he would come over. So Andy's on his way, and then him, my mom, and myself are going to go out and do a little shopping, just getting the last few things we need for Easter dinner. Then we're going to have a relaxing day, and later tonight Helen and Dolle are coming over, and we're going to hang out, maybe redbox a movie, play some drakon or maybe apples to apples.

Hopefully I'll be in a happier mood through out the day, cause yesterday was miserable, and I don't like being a cranky bitch, but sometimes it just happens. So with finger crossed I push through today, hopefully staying happy and ccontent.

Have a great day kiddies!

Friday, April 2, 2010

PDA: Pretty Damn Angry

I swear that my mood has been directly affected by the weather today. It's cold, rainy, cloudy, and windy. I've been cranky, easily irritated, and (for lack of a better word) bitchy! First, Facebook wasn't working right this morning. Then, I found out the I wasn't going to the Wild game with Dolle. Her and her co-worker won tickets to tonights game, and Dolle couldn't get anyone to work for her tonight, while her co-worker called in "sick" so she got the tickets. Second, my friend Kristine called me and cancelled our plans because her ex-boyfriend wanted to see her. When Ryan broke up with Krissy, she called me every half hour crying, swearing that she would never forgive Ryan. I feel like the only time she really ever calls me, is when she has problems with Ryan, yet when I'm having problems with my life, she can't tell Ryan to wait.

And now Andy apparently isn't coming to my family's Easter dinner. I'm making cheesecake especially for him, and now he's not coming. I'll admit I was hurt. It really bothers me when people say that they're going to do something, but don't follow through. When Andy text me and told me that he wasn't going to come, I got angry but didn't tell him. He called me a little while after, and I ignored his phone call. He's also text me twice and I haven't responded. I know it's childish to ignore him for this reason, but I honestly don't think I could talk to him now without crying. I love him very much, but I just don't want to talk to him right now. I'll talk to him tomorrow after he comes over!

Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I'm having Andy, Helen, and Dolle over. We're gonna redbox a movie, and maybe have a bonfire.

Well, I'm going to bed now. Night kiddies!

Dear Mother Nature, You're a Bitch!

So yesterday was April Fool's Day, and mother nature played a cruel trick on us Minnesotans. She gave us beautiful, sunny, 80 degree weather. She gave us a taste of summer. But now, I'm listening to the thunder rumble and the rain lightly beat against my window. I have checked the weather forecast online, and I was wrong yesterday. We're not going to have 3 days of rain and clouds, we're going to have a whole week of rain and clouds. For the next week, we can expect rain and clouds and wind and cooler temps.

Mother Nature, you're just plain old mean!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Most Amazing Day Ever!!!

It seems as though Mother Nature has played a prank on us today. In the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes, the weather was warm(about 80 degrees) and sunny, with a slight breeze, basically the most beautiful spring day we've had to date!!! However, the weather men have predicted rain and cold temps for the next 3 days. So Mother Nature gave us a small taste of summer weather, and now she's gonna squash our sunny spirits like some cranky bitch! But until that rain and cold sets in, I've got the windows thrown open, and enjoying the warm spring night breeze!!!

But, today was the perfect day, because Andy (My boyfriend of 1 year and 5 months) came over this morning after work(he works overnights) we only slept for an hour or so, cause a friend called me. They had to put their dog down, cause it was sick, so they told me to come over and say good-bye. So this morning, I was extremely depressed as I said goodbye one last time to an amazing dog!! Well, Andy sensed my mood, and to cheer me up, brought me to my favorite restaurant ever!!! He brought me to Qdoba. It's a mexican restaurant, that specializes in burritos, kinda like chipotle, only way better!!! So I got my usual Chicken Queso Burrito with no beans. We sat outside on the patio enjoying the sunny weather. After, we came back to my house, and started getting ready for tonight.
We both showered, and got nice and gussied up!! We were looking good. I did a little black dress, black tights, black shoes, a black shawl, and a hot pink head band for a pop of color! Well, we went out for dinner to The Cheesecake Factory. The Cheesecake Factory is a very fancy, hoity-toity restaurant which has absolutely the best food and cheesecake ever!!! We were both so stuffed from dinner, that we decided to get our cheesecake to go. So we came home, set up a little table on the deck, lit some candles, poured some wine, dished out the cheesecake, played some soft romantic music, and enjoyed our cheesecake and wine on the deck in the nice warm spring night weather!!! After we finished eating, we started dancing to one of my favorite songs, which is 18th Floor Balcony by Blue October!!! It was one of the most romantic nights I'm ever had! Right now, we're laying in bed, he's asleep, cause he's only had about an hour or sleep today. I'm watching Fools Gold and having another glass of wine.
I don't know how this night could get better, cause it's perfect as it is!!!

More to come soon