Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Because I'm just that bored!

It's 4:30 in the morning, and I can't sleep. Frankly, I really should be exhausted, because i spent all afternoon and all evening helping my boyfriend re-arrange his room. Now that might not sound that hard, but he lives with his grandma (his grandma is too old to live by herself, but refuses to move into a senior living home) so there are 2 huge cabinets in his room that are filled to the brim with years and years of his grandma's history. They weigh a ton, and are really big and bulky, which means they're hard to move and even harder to decide where to move because my boyfriend's room is long and narrow and so there are only a few places where they will fit. So after hours of cleaning and organzing and re-arranging, we finally finished re-doing his room. It looks so much better than before!

With all that heavy moving, you'd think I'd be super tired, but i'm not. I can't sleep, and it's annoying because I have to be up early tomorrow. I also need to fill out an application for a job.
Sephora (Which is a high-end make-up store) is hiring right now, and I really need a job. So tomorrow I'm filling out an application, and turning it in. I will be praying to God to help me get this job! I'd like to be able to pay off Bethel (college), Car insurance, medical bills from my surgery, and finally be able to pay some of my friends back, who have been helping to support me since I lost my job.
Well, I'm really gonna try and get some sleep. I really need my beauty rest tonight, considering I looked like crap all day!

night kiddies.