Saturday, August 27, 2011

Exciting News!!!

So much stuff has been happening lately!!! I'm finally working on turning my life around!!!

First, I got the job!!! The daycare job that I was praying for. When I initially got wind of the position, I turned in an application, and called the daycare a few days after. The director told me she offered a different applicant the position, and was waiting to hear back as to whether or not she wanted it. So I graciously told her that if another position opens up soon, that I would love to interview. I sulked for about a week, when I got a call from the director. The preschool room aide was leaving the daycare, and she wanted me to come in and interview!!! The first interview went really well, and after a few days they called again asking me to come in for a second interview!!! I met with the regional director for my second interview on a tuesday, afterwards she told me that she would call me by friday and let me know if they were going to hire me. Well, friday came and went and I nervously waited all weekend long. Monday afternoon, the director called me and offered me the postion!!! We scheduled my training for wednesday, and I started working on Thursday!!! It's the perfect job for me. It's 40 hours a week, with possible overtime. The kids are great and I'm getting along really well with the staff!!!

Secondly, I have loved Katy Perry and her music for years!!! I fell in love with the song 'I kissed a girl' months and months before it ever aired on the radio. I used to play it for my friends and they all thought it was a stupid song. But once the radio started playing it, they loved it. Well, I went and saw her in concert. It was amazing!!! She played almost every song, and I had sooo much fun at her concert. I loved her outfits and her set design. I LOVE Katy Perry!!!!

Thirdly, I recently joined Weight Watcher and Lifetime Fitness, and I've been losing weight!!! Yay me!!! It's been really hard, but I'm learning to portion out my meals into appropriate sized portions, and I've been working my butt off at the gym. I've only lost 5 pounds, but it's always been crazy hard for me to lose weight.

Fourthly, Andy and I have started going to church every Sunday. We would go every now and again when the mood would strike us, and I always wanted to go every Sunday but we never did. But about a month ago, I introduced him to Substance Church, and we both fell in love. We've been going every sunday the last 2 months.

Fifthly, I took my Minnesota Cosmetology State Boards Examinations, and I PASSED!!! WOOHOO!!!! All I have to do now is send in my test results with my license money, and I'll get my cosmetology license!!!! yay!!! I'm hoping that I can get a weekend job in a salon somewhere, considering the daycare is only monday-friday!!!!

Lastly, in my previous post, I couldn't understand why Andy was always so uncomfortable talking about marriage. We would talk about our future but when I would mention 'the M word' he would kinda avoid the conversation. Well, I finally cracked his shell, and he told me that he doesn't want our relationship to end up like his parents relationship did. His parents dated for a very long time, but once they got married they started fighting all the time. He's afraid that if we get married that we'll fall apart like his parents did. I assured him that I love him, and I don't care if we're married or not, I'm always gonna love him. I want to have a 50th wedding anniversary with him. I told him that I'm in this relationship for the long haul.

Well, it's late, and I've got church in morning, so I'll say goodnight kiddies!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sons of a monkey's uncle!!!

So all my friends, family, neighbors, classmates, coworkers and possible in-laws keep asking me when me and Andy are getting married. They're asking me. ME. I can't exactly propose to myself. Andy has to be the one to ask me, but no one ever asks him. They only ask me. I don't understand why they ask me. Whatever. I've tried talking to Andy about getting married, and he seems extremely unwilling to talk about it. I just wish that people would stop asking me when me and Andy are getting married.